
Zombie facts

1.The only way to destroy one is to burn it alive or pulverize its head.
2.Skin someway revitalizes them.
3.THe cause for some reanimation accurances is radioactivity.
4.Zombies are afraid of fire.
5.Zombies can easily rip limbs from people.
6.Zombies like to travel in numbers.
7.Zombies in Voodoo creole culture are people that led a bad social life.
8.Zombies increase in strength over time.
9.Zombies can remember stuff from there life.
10.Zombies tend to inhabit areas of comfort from there lives.

                                                          The living dead series

NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD-Dir. by George A. Romero and written by john russo. This is the best horror movie ever in my humble opinion. The dark gloomy black and white scenery acompanied by the erie music made it the best zombie movie ever. I recieved the DVD widescreen version for christmas and it was amazing.  Buy it

Dawn of the dead-Dir. by george a. romero and written by john russo. What do you get when you cross a sequel to a low budget horror movie and add humour. No not scream 2 that sucked. Dawn of the dead. Hey its the sequel to the greatest horror movie of all time of course its gonna be cool. it delt not only with zombies but becoming materialistic and stir crazy. When there is no room in hell the dead will walk the earth. Buy it

Day of the Dead-Dir. george a. romero and written by john russo. less humour ahh its all right. Buy it

                                   evil dead series Dir. by Sam Raimi

Bruce campbell is great and all but this isnt about him. its about a little series of low budget horror-cult ectasy.
Evil Dead-The movie that Stevin King said was the best horror movie of the early 80s. Full of slapstick humour and gory zombies that just won't give the hell up. the movie was the first to showcase the wonderfully talented Bruce Campbell. HIS crazy charachter ash has one normal hand and for the other hand he has a chainsaw.

Evil dead 2-Great sequel.More gore but unfortunately it bombed like the first.

Army of Darkness- Totally slapstick its like 3 stooges meets Evil dead in the medieval times. This one kicked the final can in the theatres. Don't look for A.O.D2.

                                                   REDNECK ZOMBIES

Dir. Michael Herz. Ok its kinda of weird that all my favourite zombie movies are funny in some waybut this ones just so damn funny. The makers of this film(troma) are kings of the low budget b-film world. You may know them from such movies as toxic avenger, Preacher man, and surf nazis must die.

                                                 Resident Evil

Resident evil- The 2 best zombie game ever. it had Impressive graphics, revolutionary game play, and damn scary.Im lookin to get a copy for my saturn for 15 bucks or less.

Resident evil 2- This is the best zombie game. it had Better graphics , it was scarrier , and fun fun fun. George Romero directed the comercial for it.